Hey everyone,
We can see in the last few days that our community keeps on growing and becomes more and more significant from the point of view of users. These are great news and makes us understand that we're on the right track.

Today we're about to start review the first button: 'Markets' and its sub-button: 'Markets Arenas'.
As you can see in the picture, 'Markets Arenas' is the first sub-button in the 'Markets' button, because practically it's the main page most of us use as the first page to get updates in the markets. it contains the first pages of all the best known financial hompages on the web: Yahoo! Finance, Reuters, MSN Money, Bloomberg, CNN Money and much more. You can see the full list in the picture attached and in the Screenshots page on our hompage.
Again, if you think there's a missing link in this section (button), tell us about it.

We'll make the reviewing briefly so you'll be able to get a general picture about what Sargels Toolbar is.
Don't forget to share this post and the blog as a whole, to comment on it and the usual things like twit, digg and stumble. We appreciate your efforts.

The next review will be on the second sub-button:
'Get A Quote'.
Until then, have a successful decisions and don't forget to share us.

Sargels Toolbar Team.

'Markets' Button- 'Markets Arenas' SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


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