1 In 5 EV Owners In California Are Switching Back To Gas Because Charging Is A "Hassle"

When people are inconvenienced for just the slightest bit of time, the virtue signaling flies right out the window as though it never existed. It's almost as if the "green" energy cult exists in a world of their own cognitive dissonance, surviving off of recruiting new entrants to their "ideology", rather than actually practicing its tenets. 

For example, about 20% of all "planet saving EV owning visionaries" in California are defecting from their EVs back to gas-powered vehicles, according to a new report by Business Insider. The switch back to gas comes as a result of charging being a "hassle", the report found. 

The report cites a new study published in the journal Nature Energy by University of California Davis researchers Scott Hardman and Gil Tal. They surveyed people in California who purchased EVs between 2012 and 2018.

1 in 5 switched back to avoid dealing with the lengthy time it took for their vehicles to charge. (Wait until they find out how the electricity was being generated to charge their cars in the first place!)''

70% of those who switched lacked access to Level 2 charging at home, which can charge vehicles in about twice the time as a normal Level 1 plug. Level 1 charging from a standard home outlet puts out about 120 volts of power. Level 2 is twice that, whereas Tesla's SuperChargers can offer 480 volts. 

"If you don't have a Level 2, it's almost impossible," said Bloomberg automotive analyst Kevin Tynan. It took him six hours to charge his Chevy Volt back to 300 miles of range using a Level 2 charger. 

Two thirds of those surveyed also said they didn't use public charging stations. Good thing Joe Biden is rolling out trillions in EV "infrastructure" for more of these. 

Hardman and Tal wrote: "It should not be assumed that once a consumer purchases a PEV they will continue owning one. What is clear is that this could slow PEV market growth and make reaching 100% PEV sales more difficult."

Tynan concluded: "For all those legacy automakers, that profit and loss piece does matter. And that's why you're getting this half effort on electrification." 

Tyler Durden Sun, 05/02/2021 - 19:55
from ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3h1aTRh

1 In 5 EV Owners In California Are Switching Back To Gas Because Charging Is A "Hassle" SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


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