Fake Health Certificates Complicate The Already Messy "Vax Pass" Idea

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

The proliferation of fake health certificates is exposing a logistical blind spot for the airlines. Confusion doesn't stop there.

Airlines Struggle to Police Fake Certificates 

In Europe, Fake Covid-19 Certificates Hit Airlines, Which Now Have to Police Them

Airlines are battling a scourge of passengers traveling with falsified Covid-19 health certificates.

Deutsche Lufthansa AG has been fined up to 25,000 euros, or about $29,800, by Germany for allowing passengers with false or incorrect documents to board, according to people familiar with the penalties. 

Complications? You Bet!

At London Heathrow Airport, the additional checks by border control have led to lines of more than six hours for arriving passengers. That is with just 541,000 passengers passing through the airport in March, down 91.7% from the comparable period in 2019.

The EU wants airlines to enforce restrictions that it sets up, but that makes the airlines responsible for detecting easily faked documents. 

The six hour wait time with traffic down 91.7% is a perfect of government sponsored madness that happens more in Europe than the US although we are not totally immune to such nonsense either. 

Negative Tests Required in the US

On January 24, I noted new CDC Guidelines Require Proof of Negative Test on inbound international flights to the US.

It's unclear how well the US is enforcing that requirement.

Where Can You Go?

Hooray! You are vaccinated and ready to travel. But where can you go?  

You may be vaccinated but the World Still Isn't Ready For US Travelers

US Vax Pass 

No doubt the "solution" will be government-mandated heath passports in Europe.

What About the US and Canada?

  • Chicago - Yes: Chicago’s public health commissioner, said the “Vax Pass” will be required to attend concerts and other summer events starting in May.

  • Illinois - Up to Local Officials: The Sun Times says Gov. J.B. Pritzker is taking a pass on the “Vax Pass.” Instead of a passport, the governor said residents across the state will be provided with something more akin to a doctor’s note — and only if they ask for it.

  • Missouri - Will Bar: The Missourian reports Missouri Senate renews push to bar vaccine passports and limit local health orders.

  • US - Yes: On March 28, the Washington Post reported "Vaccine Passports are on the Way. The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials " 

  • US - No: On April 6, the BBC reported US Rules Out Federal Vaccine Passports.

  • Canada - YesForbes reports Canada Will Require Using A Vaccine Passport For Entry.

40 States Will Ban Covid-19 Passports

Who's in charge? That's the key question as 40 States Creating Legislation to Ban Vaccine Passport Requirements.

At state Capitols across the country, lawmakers are advancing legislation to ban COVID-19 vaccine passport requirements for businesses and schools. 

The vaccination passports currently exist in one state — a limited government partnership in New York with a private company — but that hasn’t stopped GOP lawmakers in a handful of states, including Pennsylvania, from rushing out legislative proposals to ban their use.

“Government should not require any Texan to have proof of vaccination,” said Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

While New York rolled out the “Excelsior Pass,” a digital vaccine passport, lawmakers in Indiana worked on a bill that includes a vaccine passport ban. It passed by a wide margin, just as many Hoosier state health departments saw an uptick in no-shows for COVID-19 shots.

Confusing Mess

It's not at all clear what the procedure will be for international flights into the US. And if you wish to travel to Europe, expect long lines on top of needing a Vax Pass.

The EU and US are messes of a different kind. The result is a hodgepodge of conflicting and confusing regulations depending on where you are at and where you are headed.

Tyler Durden Mon, 05/03/2021 - 06:30
from ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3e9s3u9

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