We hope you all had a great weekend like we had. Through the weekend we checked some stats concerning Sargels community. First, we want to advice you to jump on our Ning's Sargels community, the purpose is to make an enhanced place for all the users to ask questions, share thoughts and comment about anything concerning Sargels Solution.You're more than welcome. Second, we find that Sargels group is much bigger now, more and more users find Sargels useful and we really appreciate your mails, we consider each feedback as a real comment on our work and how to improve it.
Now, back to our reviewing session. The next sub-button (under the major button 'Markets') is 'Financial Videos' which delivers many video sources related to the financial markets. For example, Yahoo Finance Video, all the financial news on vids from multiple financial-oriented providers, sorted by time (you can sort it by provider). The video news on Yahoo! Finance are updating very often and you get to see in one place the best covering financial news from the best source in the world. Bloomberg TV US is the TV channel of Bloomberg financial news agency, delivers the most updated news and data from the markets, with lots of interviews of the key role holders in the markets. This source is what the pros usually check so keep your eye on it to stay tunes with all the information you need. CNN Money, WSJ and Forbes Video are basically the video channel of these financial portals, giving you news, financial shows, editor's corners and more in a very updated method. Find your best source that suit you and stay tuned on it but don't forget to check the others, as they could give you new aspects about today's news. What I do want is to delay on the Financial Times Video. This source is one very enhanced, as it sorts for you the financial news into categories, something that helps to get a better control on the news you want and need. The category we chose as the most relevant is the 'Markets' tab, because this one delivers the streaming updates from the markets while the other sources (Credit Crunch, View from the Top, Companies, World, business Life and Special Reports) are more special issues' focused. Do take into your attention that Special Report is a very useful source for videos concerning unusual issues, something that could make you better updated. The BusinessWeek Video is also an important video source because it delivers more economical news and updates, more general and wider covering, not just for the current issues in the markets but more macro-economic updates and special news concering mega changes and big movements in the wide range of the financial markets.
It is very useful to get updated from financial video news, as it more convenient to sit back and let other gives you inputs and briefings, in few minutes only you can receive all the info you need from the most trusted sources on the web- for free.It surely not replace the digging in routines but surely make the updating work much easier.
That is it for this post, concerning finance & videos relations. In the next one we'll drill into ETFs, much deeper than general information. Until then, share Sargels Financial Toolbar, tell your friends and associates about it, comment posts and, as always, contact us and share your thoughts about Sargels Solution. We put on the blog all the distribution ways to spread the word of the Sargels Financial Toolbar, so do help us. If you want to stay tuned, join us on twitter.
Sargels Team
[2:30 PM
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